Human and health are at the center of medicine. The right to health, which concerns human health, is becoming more important day by day. The individual gets sick in countless ways throughout his life and applies to the health institution for treatment. The individual in the patient position in the health institution has certain basic rights. These rights are regulated as patient rights. Patient rights, which are relatively new compared to other rights in Turkey and around the world, are constantly evolving in this sense. In this study, it is aimed to examine and interpret the patient rights phenomenon in Turkey in the light of the decisions of the Council of State. In the research, the history of patient rights is mentioned and developments related to patient rights are included. How and in what way patient rights are included in Turkish law is also included. In addition, the violation of patient rights and the remedies arising from unlawful intervention were mentioned, and what should be the rights violation and remedies were evaluated with the decisions of the Council of State.
Keywords: Council of state decisions, health law, patient rights